Each training pack contains 14 12-lane PADs, applicator sticks, and a set of 14 training samples packed in capsules. The training samples include "good" and "bad" formulations of 5-7 APIs chosen from this list: albendazole, amoxicillin, ampicillin, ascorbic acid, azithromycin, benzyl penicillin, calcium carbonate, ceftriaxone, chloroquine, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, epinephrine, ethambutol, ferrous sulfate, hydroxychloroquine, isoniazid, lactose, promethazine hydrochloride, pyrazinamide, rifampicin, RIPE, starch (maize), sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline. Also included is a printed "reading guide" that can be used to analyze the color bar codes by eye, and a log book for each trainee to record their results from the 14 mystery samples. The training pack can also be used with the Android phone app.
Please contact Dr. L to select APIs that are relevant to your training needs and to set up a time for a Zoom session.
PADs are packaged in a heat-sealed Mylar zip-top bag. Stability 6 months in unopened pouch when kept in refrigerator; use within 2 weeks after opening pouch. Each PAD has a unique serial number.